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Spanish Liaison Judges

In Spain, the diversity in the typology of judges is notable. From investigating judges to sentencing judges, and including judges of penitentiary surveillance, judges of incapacities, and judges of minors, the variety is wide.

However, among this wide range of judicial figures, there is one that stands out for its discretion and fundamental role in the fight against the great challenges of our time: terrorism and organized crime. These are the liaison judges.

Although liaison judges are not tasked with investigating or sentencing, their silent and discreet work plays a crucial role in international cooperation in the fight against terrorism and organized crime.

The figure of the liaison judge was established in 1996 by the European Union as an essential instrument to overcome communication deficiencies that existed in international cooperation mechanisms in the fields of organized crime and terrorism in the European space. Essentially, these judges act as intermediaries between different judicial systems, facilitating communication and cooperation between countries.

In any human activity, personal relationships play a fundamental role, and this is no different in the judicial sphere. When Spain requests the extradition of a suspected terrorist or member of a mafia group to another country, or vice versa, established procedures and requirements must be followed. However, sometimes obstacles can arise due to errors in the application process.

This is where the Spanish liaison judge comes into play as a true judicial accelerator. Their presence significantly contributes to ensuring that the processing of judicial cooperation requests is carried out correctly and quickly. In fact, these liaison magistrates do not have their physical office in the Spanish embassy of the country they are assigned to, but rather in the Ministry of Justice of the host country.

In summary, although their work may go unnoticed by many, liaison judges play a crucial role in the fight against terrorism and organized crime, acting as bridges between different judicial systems and ensuring effective and agile cooperation in an increasingly interconnected world.

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